Webinar Content Marketing Tips

webinar in marketing consulting office setting


Thinking about holding a webinar as part of your overall content marketing strategies? Webinars are a terrific tool for getting in front of a large number of interested prospects. However, there’s more involved than launching webinar software and speaking into a microphone on your computer. Use these tips when planning your first webinar.

  • Understand the webinar’s purpose – Many first-time webinar hosts make the mistake of approaching free webinars as platforms to pitch their products and services. While a short pitch near the end is generally acceptable and expected, avoid turning the entire presentation into a sales pitch. Make sure your presentation is useful, informative, and valuable to attendees. Otherwise, they’ll flee and you’ll be speaking to an empty audience.
  • Understand the audience – Who do you want to attend the webinar? What are their needs and problems? How can you help them? For example, if you know that you want to reach technically challenged CEOs, this understanding will drive everything from the title of the webinar and its content to how you advertise it – and more. Using personas is one way to understand and attract prospects.
  • Promote your webinar – Once you understand who you want to reach and what your webinar will cover, it’s vital to spread the word. Use email campaigns, blogs, social media, your website, and your sales team to spread the word.
  • Make every slide count – Whether you’ve carefully scripted the webinar from scratch or are repurposing material from an earlier presentation you’ve held, realize that your audience is paying to participate with their time and/or money. Unlike a live presentation where it would be rude to get up and walk out in the middle of a presentation, Webinar participants can exit the webinar with a click of the mouse button.
  • Encourage interactions – Webinar software often includes chat channels where participants can interact with one another as well as ask questions of you. This is a great way to build camaraderie and maintain momentum. It can also alert you to areas of confusion or interest. If the software doesn’t include such a feature, use Twitter with a hashtag. In fact, using Twitter could expand your reach and arouse curiosity among your participants’ followers.
  • Consider creating a second tier for interested prospects – Your initial webinar should go light on the selling. However, some prospects will be genuinely interested in learning more about your solution. Consider holding a second seminar, or series of seminars, for these prospects. These will likely attract a smaller audience. However, the audience will consist of quality leads who want to learn more about your offer.
  • Don’t do it alone – While technology makes it possible to host a webinar virtually anywhere, make sure you have a support team to handle technical issues, troubleshoot log-in problems, monitor conversations via the chat channel or Twitter hashtag, answer questions, and so on. This way, the entire webinar won’t be interrupted just because one user can’t hear your voice.
  • Archive your webinar – Though your webinar may have initially been a live event, it still has value long after its conclusion. Make sure to post an archived version of all of your webinars on your website or on social sharing sites such as YouTube for future prospects.
  • Repurpose webinar content – In addition to posting a video of your webinar on your website and YouTube, think about how else you might reuse the material discussed. Ideas include creating an eBook or special report based on the material, a series of blog posts, and podcasts. You can also use the questions and answers session for inspiration for future blog posts, articles, reports, and webinars.

When approached correctly, webinars are a fantastic form of content marketing. A single webinar can get you in front of a large audience both during the event and long after.

Video Email Marketing: Helping Leads Become Customers

video email marketing

Video email marketing is a process that, when done correctly, can bring leads back to your website where they can view an informative website video that both educates and reinforces the benefits of your product and service. Using video within your email marketing nurtures your sales leads and helps them make the decision to become customers.

Using Video Email Marketing to Nurture Sales Leads

Video email marketing falls under the “Nurture” phase of the video-to-lead funnel. This sales funnel involves a website video series that first engages prospects, earning their trust. After engaging prospects, the next website video series continues to deliver interesting information, but with a goal of converting these prospects into leads. Finally, once converted and opted into your email marketing campaign, you’ve earned the right to present a website video that reinforces your message. You are now in the nurturing phase.

As you know, you must have permission in order to begin an email marketing campaign. Using video to engage and convert your prospects sets the stage for video email marketing. If you’ve followed the video-to-lead funnel strategies we’ve previously discussed, your leads will know that each website video in the past was engaging, informative, and relatively short. When they receive an email marketing message from you containing a link to a website video, they’ll expect more of the same and trust your video email marketing messages.

Website Video Messages

In most cases, your video email marketing messages will contain links back to your website video where visitors can learn more about the benefits of your products and services. In order to be effective, each website video should be related to the original call to action. For example, if you’ve prompted the prospect to download a buying guide for kitchen appliances, your email marketing campaign should include content relevant to people interested in buying kitchen appliances. This isn’t the time for an email marketing campaign about remodeling bathrooms. Therefore, your website video should be related to that initial action. For instance, you might create a website video focused on how your appliances save energy in the kitchen and reduce utility bills.

In addition to being relevant, your video email marketing campaign must also be focused on benefits. In the email marketing example above, appliances that save energy in the kitchen deliver a benefit to the sales lead: they reduce utility bills. Your prospects may love that your appliances have a specific feature such as a built-in timer, but people don’t buy features; they buy benefits. Make sure that each website video focuses on benefits and your video email marketing campaign will be much more likely to connect with your leads.

How long should your video email marketing campaign be? As with general email marketing, each campaign will be unique. Before you produce a single website video, you should first map out your email marketing strategy. Think about the following:

  • What is your primary goal for the video email marketing campaign?
  • How long is the buying process for your particular product or service?
  • What interval is right for sending messages?
  • How many contacts do you need to make?

Once you know the primary goal, make sure that each website video supports that goal, educates sales leads, and reinforces benefits. After identifying the length of the buying process, you can create a website video email marketing campaign of a similar length. For example, if the average kitchen appliance buyer spends a month researching before buying, your video email marketing campaign might be three to four weeks long. Your email marketing message intervals will be determined by the overall length of the campaign and the number of contacts you feel is appropriate to educate, nurture, and ask for the sale.

Video email marketing is an important part of the video-to-lead funnel. You’ve worked hard to engage and convert your prospects. Now it’s time to nurture them and bring them back to your website for more relevant information.

How have you used video email marketing? Share your thoughts in the comment section below:

Website Video Spokesperson: Choosing Talent Your Visitors Can Relate To

If you’re considering adding a website video spokesperson to your website, it’s vital to cast an actor that your website visitors can relate to. Not only can a relatable virtual spokesperson welcome your visitors, that Web video spokesperson can help them feel at ease. Choose the wrong talent for your site, and your visitors will likely click the “stop” button – or worse, the “back” button. Choose the right talent for your site, and your visitors will feel engaged, nurtured, and empowered to make a favorable decision.

Determining the Ideal Website Video Spokesperson for Your Site

Before you look at audition tapes, consider the demographics of your website. Is your audience primarily male? Female? How old are your website visitors? What are they interested in? What problems do they have? What type of person do they look to for advice?

This doesn’t mean choosing a virtual spokesperson that looks like your target audience; it means that your Web video spokesperson should be someone your target audience can relate with.

For example, if your website sells cheerleading outfits to teenage girls, you don’t necessarily have to choose a female teenager to serve as your website video spokesperson. A 30-something virtual spokesperson playing a cheerleading coach may be more effective.

Casting the Web Video Spokesperson

Once you understand what your ideal website video spokesperson looks like, you can start casting. By determining the gender and age of your virtual spokesperson in advance, you’ll save time and be able to focus only on those audition tapes that meet your criteria.

What to Look for As You View Web Video Spokesperson Audition Tapes

You may have a specific look in mind for your website video spokesperson such as our 30-something cheerleading coach example. However, not all of the audition tapes of 30-something actresses will contain athletic wardrobe changes. You may need to use your imagination to visualize the virtual spokesperson in appropriate clothing. Many audition tapes do contain clips with the Web video spokesperson wearing various outfits such as business suits, casual clothing, and athletic wear.

Listen to the voice of each website video spokesperson. Does the virtual spokesperson have a delivery style that matches the mood of your website? For example, if you’re looking for an authority figure, a Web video spokesperson with a perky delivery style might not be the best choice. Similarly, if you want a perky, upbeat voice, a website video spokesperson with a deep, authoritative voice may not be what you’re looking for. Keep in mind that each virtual spokesperson is an actor who may have a range of delivery styles. Listen to the entire delivery and review each Web video spokesperson’s bio to see if other accents or delivery styles are available.

Watch each website video spokesperson as if you were your target audience. If your website appeals to teenage girls, pretend you’re a teenage girl while watching the audition. If your website appeals to 80-year-old men, pretend you’re an 80-year-old man. Ask yourself if you can relate to the virtual spokesperson from your temporary perspective. If so, you’re getting closer. If not, ask yourself who you would prefer to hear this information from and rethink your Web video spokesperson criteria.

As you can see, casting a website video spokesperson is more involved than picking an attractive actor or actress to play a role. You absolutely need to know your audience and what type of virtual spokesperson your audience can relate and respond to. Once you know that, you can choose your Web video spokesperson with confidence.

What else should you look for in a website video spokesperson? Share your thoughts in the comments section below:

Website Video Production: 3 Success Factors

website video production has a set of success factors unique to the nature of the Internet. While just about any video production company would agree that videos in general should have strong production values and be produced according to established standards, the way people view videos on the Web influences how online videos should be produced. A successful Web video production takes the following three success factors into account: length, focus, and call to action.

Website Video Production Success Factor #1: Length

While many people watch full length movies online, few have the attention span for a marketing-oriented Web video production of that length. Just as online website visitors tend to scan text, online viewers expect short videos that get to the point quickly. If your website video production involves a marketing message, keep it short. A sixty to ninety second video should be sufficient to get your message across. Anything longer and your viewers may stop watching and hesitate to share the video with others.

Tutorials and training sessions can be longer; however, it’s smart to break these longer videos into smaller modules. Doing so makes for smaller file sizes and minimizes issues with bandwidth and video streaming. As you plan these longer videos, ask your video production company to break up the video into shorter segments. Your viewers can watch each segment all at once or over several days.

Website Video Production Success Factor # 2: Focus

Just as your articles and blog posts should have a narrow focus, the same is true of Web video production. This isn’t the time for an in-depth exploration of your company’s history, values, and goals; it’s the time to drive home a single message. Work with your video production company to identify that message and write a tight script around it. The entire Web video production should remain tightly focused on that single message.

For example, if your website video production is focused on how your products relieve stress, focus on the stress relief aspects of your products and avoid the temptation to add other benefits such as return on investment or durability (unless those benefits contribute to stress relief). A video production company can help you develop the concept and write the script to appeal to a Web audience.

Website Video Production Success Factor # 3: Call to Action

In addition to length and focus, a successful Web video production tells viewers what action to take next. This is known as the “call to action.” For example, a Web video production focused on detailing the benefits of a given product or service will have a call to action along the lines of “order now” or “download a free trial version.”

You should know the call to action long before website video production begins. As you write the script, ask yourself what action you want viewers to take after watching your video. Again, your video production company can help you here, especially if you choose a video production company with a strong marketing background such as Visible Conversions. During the planning stage, you can come up with as many different calls to action as you want, but you’ll only want to include one in your final Web video production. Carefully consider what action you want your viewers to take (order now, sign up for a newsletter, participate in a trial, and so on) and then focus the website video production on leading up to that action, making that action a natural choice.

A successful website video production incorporates all three success factors. It is short and tightly focused with a strong call to action at the end. Choose a website video production company that embraces these three important factors and your next Web video production is sure to be a hit with viewers.

What do you think is the most important factor involved in website video production? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

B2B Video Marketing: Using Video to Reach Other Businesses

With decision makers relying on the Internet and social media as top information sources, B2B marketing online is bringing new opportunities. From articles and press releases to online B2B video marketing, the Internet delivers multiple ways to reach business customers. Thanks to improvements in online video technology, it’s no longer necessary to send a customer a corporate video on DVD in the mail. Instead, post your videos online and extend your reach.

B2B Video Marketing vs. Consumer Video Marketing

Just as B2B marketing is different than consumer marketing, B2B video marketing has its differences, and similarities, from consumer-oriented videos. For example, your corporate video for a B2B marketing campaign will be geared toward business customers rather than consumers. However, no matter who your business video is targeting, it is targeting a real person. In the case of a B2B marketing video, that person is likely a decision maker.

When planning your corporate video, try to visualize your target audience. Ask yourself: What’s important to the decision maker? What does that person need in order to make a decision? How does your product or service make that person’s job easier? How does it solve problems? By understanding your business customers’ needs and problems, you can produce an effective business video to match.

Leveraging Business Video Channels

Video sharing sites like YouTube provide businesses with a platform for B2B video marketing. In fact, you can create an entire “channel” focused on your company, products, and brand. Once your channel is established, consider embedding your videos into other B2B marketing materials such as email campaigns, press releases, and articles.

Using corporate video in your email campaigns adds another dimension to your B2B marketing efforts and can build trust and credibility. Depending on your email campaign management software, support for B2B video marketing may or may not be available. However, there’s a way around this: Insert an image of your corporate video and hyperlink it to your business video hosted elsewhere.

Many press release distribution sites support B2B video marketing, making it easy to include corporate video in the body of your press release. If you’re using a press release site that does not support video, providing a link to your business video where appropriate can yield results.

If your B2B marketing plan includes distributing articles, consider adding complementary video segments to your article. From useful tips to testimonial videos, short video clips can enhance your articles and influence decision makers.

In addition to using video sharing sites and incorporating business video clips into other B2B marketing channels, it’s not a bad idea to create a corporate video channel on your website. Depending on your goals, you could embed your existing YouTube videos on your site or host each business video on your own servers. If you’re attempting a viral B2B video marketing campaign, it’s smart to choose an embeddable video format so that users can easily share your business video.

B2B Video Marketing as a Search Engine Strategy

Not only can your business video be shared using YouTube, email campaigns, press releases, and articles, corporate video can also play an important role in terms of driving search engine traffic to your site. Many decision makers use search engines specifically to find business video clips. If you do not have a B2B video marketing presence, you won’t be found by this segment of searchers! In addition, a keyword-optimized corporate video clip could show up significantly higher in the search engine results than a standard article or webpage optimized for the same phrase due to a lighter focus on B2B video marketing.

These are but a few highlights of B2B video marketing. How are you using business video in your B2B marketing efforts? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below.

Online Video Marketing: Tips for Nurturing Online Video Viewers

Now that you’ve converted your site’s visitors into leads and customers, you have the opportunity to drive sales by nurturing these visitors with online video. You’ve already used Web videos to engage and convert them; now it’s time to nurture them. Some will have ordered from you already while others are genuinely interested but haven’t yet committed. Either way, it’s smart to use video to nurture prospects and past customers.

Nurturing Prospects

Prospects are those viewers who have moved through the first two phases of the video-to-lead funnel. They are engaged and have converted into qualified leads. They haven’t purchased yet. The point of nurturing videos is to guide them toward a purchase.

When you first converted these prospects, you likely prompted them to sign up for a newsletter, subscribe to your blog, or enroll in a free video course related to your product or service. If so, you now have the opportunity to continue your relationship via the marketing channel you presented. Create a series of videos that continue to build upon the foundation you’ve already created and integrate these videos into the marketing channel. For example, if your prospects have signed up for a monthly newsletter, include a video segment in your newsletter each month.

Nurturing Customers

These customers have already purchased from you, so why should you nurture them? Because nurtured customers will be likely to purchase again or refer others to you! It can cost five times as much to attract new customers than it does to keep existing ones. You’ve already invested the time and money to engage and convert your customers, and they’ve experienced your quality and customer service. By staying in touch, you can nurture them and drive additional sales.

Using Online Video to Nurture Prospects and Customers

While text-based communication has its place, online video is a powerful medium for nurturing prospects and customers alike.

For example:

  • Use follow-up emails and videos to announce new products.
  • Send customers coupon codes revealed within informative online videos.
  • Ask customers to post video testimonials or prompt prospects to view them.
  • Send occasional how-to videos related to the product. For example, if you sell kitchen gadgets, send a link to an online cooking video.
  • Hold live, interactive video sessions where customers and prospects can ask questions or learn more about your products and services.

With an audience of qualified leads and past customers who are genuinely interested in your offers, the hard work is already complete. Use your creativity to produce nurturing online videos and reap the rewards.

Tips for Engaging Video Viewers

As we’ve discussed previously, engaging online videos play an important role in ultimately converting your site’s visitors. In fact, it’s rare to convert people without first engaging them in one way or another. Engagement does more than entertain; it adds value and builds trust. Video is an excellent medium for doing just that.

If you’re ready to create an engaging Web video, you’ll first need to consider your target audience and how it relates to your product or service. For example, if you’re selling sunscreen, identify your target audience. Are you targeting moms who want to protect their children from the sun’s harmful rays or are you targeting teens who feel invincible and consider tan lines a badge of honor? Once you know who you want to engage, your message becomes that much easier to write.

Now that you know who your audience is, think about what they know or don’t know about products like yours. Think about what they believe in, what they value, and what they want. What matters most to your audience? For moms, value may mean complete, long-lasting coverage so that their kids don’t get the slightest of sunburns. For teens, value may mean a cool bottle or colored zinc oxide. A mom will appreciate supporting research or an expert’s testimony while teens may be influenced by a hot soundtrack or a celebrity endorsement.

Despite their differences, these audiences need a reason to choose your product over the others on the market. An engaging video can make your product more memorable (brand awareness) or more valuable, both of which can ultimately lead to conversion.

So, how do you engage these audiences? Here are some ideas:

  • Tips related to your product or service – While most people know how to apply sunscreen, many don’t apply enough or do it often enough. In addition, some spots of the body (such as the tops of the ears and feet) are notoriously missed. A video with tips on how to use your product properly could engage viewers and reinforce that you are the authority on sunscreen.
  • Event videos – Does your company sponsor an event? Consider posting short videos highlighting that event before, during, and after the event. Even modest events such as a local pet parade can drive traffic to your site and engage viewers. To be engaging, your event coverage should relate to your product somehow. For example, event coverage of a local surfing contest would be a good fit for a company promoting sunscreen.
  • Videos that solve your audience’s problem – People buy products to solve problems. By creating an engaging video that shows how your product does just that, you’re one step closer to conversion. So, what problems does your audience have that your product can solve?

Your goal with any of the above videos is to have your viewers nodding in agreement as you present your message or solution. If you can do that, you’ve created an engaging online video.

The Benefits of Using Actors and Actresses in Web Videos

Does the thought of appearing in your website’s online video give you stage fright? While you may have decided to launch a Web video, you may not have come to terms with the thought of appearing onscreen. Fortunately, you may not need to! Instead of appearing in your own online video, consider usingactors and actresses.

Online Actors and Actresses Give You Greater Control over Your Image

One of the most immediate benefits of hiring an actor or actress is that doing so gives you greater control over the image you project. For example, if you’re a middle aged man running a company that caters to teenage girls, hiring a young actress to appear in your Web video could make much more sense than appearing yourself. Similarly, if you’re a twenty-something entrepreneur selling geriatric products to an older demographic, hiring a more mature actor or actress could be the right move. When considering who should appear in your Web video, think about your audience and the type of spokesperson that would lend the most credibility to your brand.

Online Actors and Actresses are Comfortable in Front of Cameras

Because actors and actresses are professionals, they tend to be extremely comfortable in front of cameras. This comfort level leads to several benefits: a more polished production, fewer mistakes, and faster production and post-production processes. Not only will your finished Web video look better with professional actors and actresses involved, the actual shooting and editing could go much smoother as well. For example, a well prepared actress requires fewer “takes” to deliver the message. Fewer takes translates into more efficient use of studio time and less time in the editing room piecing the final video together.

Online Actors and Actresses Allow You to Take Your Ideas Virtually Anywhere

Actors and actresses play roles – it’s what they do. Because of this, you can fill your Web video with virtually anyone from doctors and lawyers to cheerleaders and fairy godmothers. No matter what you’re imagining for your Web video, hiring professional actors and actresses to play the roles can bring your ideas to life.

If you’re suffering from stage fright at the thought of appearing in your company’s Web video, take a deep breath and consider the possibilities. Appearing in your own online video may not be the best choice. Many actors and actresses specialize in Web video and can deliver several important benefits. Not only can you avoid the stress, you can project the image you want to project, produce a polished Web video with fewer takes, and bring your ideas to life!

Building Credibility With Web Videos

While thousands of Web videos have made the world laugh with funny antics and viral concepts, many of today’s business owners are looking at video with fresh eyes. After all, Web video is a powerful platform that can help establish you or your company as an expert or industry leader. In short, Web videos are a terrific way to build credibility with new and existing customers.

Strong Production Values Build Credibility

In order to build credibility with viewers, Web videos must have strong production values. Today’s viewers may tolerate a guy with a webcam; however, the value of a well produced video with professional lighting, crystal clear sound, and excellent image quality cannot be stressed enough. Do this part well and your first impression will be a good one. Not only that, you won’t be giving your viewers any reason to doubt your professionalism because it will be readily apparent throughout the video.

Credible Content Builds Credibility

Next, a credible Web video should be filled with credible content, not opinion or sensational topics. Make sure that your script is well written with facts, supporting information, and useful information. Avoid “fluff” and give your audience relevant, useful information. Your viewers have limited time, so keep your Web video relatively short and tightly focused.

Credible People Build Credibility

In addition to strong production values and a well written script, the people featured throughout your video build credibility with online video audiences. This doesn’t mean you need to hire actors or pay big bucks for a celebrity endorsement. For example, a weight loss video could feature interviews with doctors and personal trainers while a do-it-yourself plumbing video could employ a plumber as the spokesperson. The presence of these professionals builds credibility.

Product Demonstrations Build Credibility

If you’re marketing a product, Web videos that show the product in action can build credibility. After all, a picture speaks a thousand words. . . In addition to demonstrating the product, consider “behind the scenes” videos that show the product in various stages of development. Your own research and development team brings its own layer of credibility to the process, so take advantage of it. As viewers see the behind-the-scenes commitment to quality, your product will become more credible to them.

Your Expertise Builds Credibility

Don’t overlook your own expertise and the events your company may be participating in, either. For example, have you recently participated in a seminar or conference as a speaker? Posting a Web video of your speech, or highlights from it, can immediately build credibility you’re your site’s visitors. You’re the expert, so show it with your online videos.

Well written, professionally produced videos that position you as an expert are an important part of the overall “video to lead funnel” strategy. Engage, convert, and nurture prospects and leads with credibility built into each video that you produce.

Should Your Virtual Spokesperson Have an On/Off Button?

Have you ever wished you could use a remote control to silence a loud talker in a crowded restaurant? How about when surfing the Web and landing on a webpage featuring avideo spokesperson? While having a virtual spokesperson appear on your website offers numerous benefits and adds a personal touch, it also brings with it the potential for annoying some of your site’s visitors.

This is because people have different learning styles and preferences for receiving information. Where one visitor may love being able to see a video spokesperson and hear an oral presentation, another may learn better through reading and find the audio portion distracting. By having an on/off button, you are giving your site’s visitors the option to silence the video spokesperson.

A common categorization of learning styles is known as Fleming’s VARK Model with the following four types of learners:

  1. Visual preference – these learners prefer seeing information such as through visual aids and pictures
  2. Auditory preference – these learners prefer listening to information such as through lectures and speeches
  3. Reading and writing preference – these learners prefer reading and writing information
  4. Kinesthetic-tactile preference – these learners prefer learning through experience such as through hands-on experiments

Of these learning categories, visual and auditory learners may respond well to a virtual spokesperson on your website. Learners who prefer to learn by reading, will likely want the option to silence the spokesperson as the spoken text could be distracting or annoying to them. By providing an on/off button, you are able to reach most learners in a format that appeals to them without alienating those who don’t respond well to auditory delivery methods.

You may even want to take this one step further by configuring the virtual spokesperson video to play on demand rather than automatically. Why? Having the virtual spokesperson talk “uninvited” could chase off prospects. Rather than looking for the on/off or mute button, some visitors will simply click the button that they’re the most familiar with: the Back button.

While you can’t please all of the people all of the time, you can provide options. If you’re implementing a virtual spokesmodel on your website, speak with your video production company about configuring your virtual spokesperson for on demand playing or at the very least including an on/off button.

If you’re not sure, consider running a test. Keep an eye on the bounce rate for your page for both autoplay and on demand video options. If you see significant numbers of visitors exiting your site right away, it could be because of the autoplay option. Change the video to play on demand and see if you notice an improvement.

What have your experiences been with videos that autoplay? Do you tend to leave a site if sounds start playing without your explicit approval? Or do you find the automatic playback convenient? Share your thoughts below.