If you’re considering adding a website video spokesperson to your website, it’s vital to cast an actor that your website visitors can relate to. Not only can a relatable virtual spokesperson welcome your visitors, that Web video spokesperson can help them feel at ease. Choose the wrong talent for your site, and your visitors will likely click the “stop” button – or worse, the “back” button. Choose the right talent for your site, and your visitors will feel engaged, nurtured, and empowered to make a favorable decision.
Determining the Ideal Website Video Spokesperson for Your Site
Before you look at audition tapes, consider the demographics of your website. Is your audience primarily male? Female? How old are your website visitors? What are they interested in? What problems do they have? What type of person do they look to for advice?
This doesn’t mean choosing a virtual spokesperson that looks like your target audience; it means that your Web video spokesperson should be someone your target audience can relate with.
For example, if your website sells cheerleading outfits to teenage girls, you don’t necessarily have to choose a female teenager to serve as your website video spokesperson. A 30-something virtual spokesperson playing a cheerleading coach may be more effective.
Casting the Web Video Spokesperson
Once you understand what your ideal website video spokesperson looks like, you can start casting. By determining the gender and age of your virtual spokesperson in advance, you’ll save time and be able to focus only on those audition tapes that meet your criteria.
What to Look for As You View Web Video Spokesperson Audition Tapes
You may have a specific look in mind for your website video spokesperson such as our 30-something cheerleading coach example. However, not all of the audition tapes of 30-something actresses will contain athletic wardrobe changes. You may need to use your imagination to visualize the virtual spokesperson in appropriate clothing. Many audition tapes do contain clips with the Web video spokesperson wearing various outfits such as business suits, casual clothing, and athletic wear.
Listen to the voice of each website video spokesperson. Does the virtual spokesperson have a delivery style that matches the mood of your website? For example, if you’re looking for an authority figure, a Web video spokesperson with a perky delivery style might not be the best choice. Similarly, if you want a perky, upbeat voice, a website video spokesperson with a deep, authoritative voice may not be what you’re looking for. Keep in mind that each virtual spokesperson is an actor who may have a range of delivery styles. Listen to the entire delivery and review each Web video spokesperson’s bio to see if other accents or delivery styles are available.
Watch each website video spokesperson as if you were your target audience. If your website appeals to teenage girls, pretend you’re a teenage girl while watching the audition. If your website appeals to 80-year-old men, pretend you’re an 80-year-old man. Ask yourself if you can relate to the virtual spokesperson from your temporary perspective. If so, you’re getting closer. If not, ask yourself who you would prefer to hear this information from and rethink your Web video spokesperson criteria.
As you can see, casting a website video spokesperson is more involved than picking an attractive actor or actress to play a role. You absolutely need to know your audience and what type of virtual spokesperson your audience can relate and respond to. Once you know that, you can choose your Web video spokesperson with confidence.
What else should you look for in a website video spokesperson? Share your thoughts in the comments section below: