Website Video Production: 3 Success Factors

website video production has a set of success factors unique to the nature of the Internet. While just about any video production company would agree that videos in general should have strong production values and be produced according to established standards, the way people view videos on the Web influences how online videos should be produced. A successful Web video production takes the following three success factors into account: length, focus, and call to action.

Website Video Production Success Factor #1: Length

While many people watch full length movies online, few have the attention span for a marketing-oriented Web video production of that length. Just as online website visitors tend to scan text, online viewers expect short videos that get to the point quickly. If your website video production involves a marketing message, keep it short. A sixty to ninety second video should be sufficient to get your message across. Anything longer and your viewers may stop watching and hesitate to share the video with others.

Tutorials and training sessions can be longer; however, it’s smart to break these longer videos into smaller modules. Doing so makes for smaller file sizes and minimizes issues with bandwidth and video streaming. As you plan these longer videos, ask your video production company to break up the video into shorter segments. Your viewers can watch each segment all at once or over several days.

Website Video Production Success Factor # 2: Focus

Just as your articles and blog posts should have a narrow focus, the same is true of Web video production. This isn’t the time for an in-depth exploration of your company’s history, values, and goals; it’s the time to drive home a single message. Work with your video production company to identify that message and write a tight script around it. The entire Web video production should remain tightly focused on that single message.

For example, if your website video production is focused on how your products relieve stress, focus on the stress relief aspects of your products and avoid the temptation to add other benefits such as return on investment or durability (unless those benefits contribute to stress relief). A video production company can help you develop the concept and write the script to appeal to a Web audience.

Website Video Production Success Factor # 3: Call to Action

In addition to length and focus, a successful Web video production tells viewers what action to take next. This is known as the “call to action.” For example, a Web video production focused on detailing the benefits of a given product or service will have a call to action along the lines of “order now” or “download a free trial version.”

You should know the call to action long before website video production begins. As you write the script, ask yourself what action you want viewers to take after watching your video. Again, your video production company can help you here, especially if you choose a video production company with a strong marketing background such as Visible Conversions. During the planning stage, you can come up with as many different calls to action as you want, but you’ll only want to include one in your final Web video production. Carefully consider what action you want your viewers to take (order now, sign up for a newsletter, participate in a trial, and so on) and then focus the website video production on leading up to that action, making that action a natural choice.

A successful website video production incorporates all three success factors. It is short and tightly focused with a strong call to action at the end. Choose a website video production company that embraces these three important factors and your next Web video production is sure to be a hit with viewers.

What do you think is the most important factor involved in website video production? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.