Online Video Marketing: Tips for Nurturing Online Video Viewers

Now that you’ve converted your site’s visitors into leads and customers, you have the opportunity to drive sales by nurturing these visitors with online video. You’ve already used Web videos to engage and convert them; now it’s time to nurture them. Some will have ordered from you already while others are genuinely interested but haven’t yet committed. Either way, it’s smart to use video to nurture prospects and past customers.

Nurturing Prospects

Prospects are those viewers who have moved through the first two phases of the video-to-lead funnel. They are engaged and have converted into qualified leads. They haven’t purchased yet. The point of nurturing videos is to guide them toward a purchase.

When you first converted these prospects, you likely prompted them to sign up for a newsletter, subscribe to your blog, or enroll in a free video course related to your product or service. If so, you now have the opportunity to continue your relationship via the marketing channel you presented. Create a series of videos that continue to build upon the foundation you’ve already created and integrate these videos into the marketing channel. For example, if your prospects have signed up for a monthly newsletter, include a video segment in your newsletter each month.

Nurturing Customers

These customers have already purchased from you, so why should you nurture them? Because nurtured customers will be likely to purchase again or refer others to you! It can cost five times as much to attract new customers than it does to keep existing ones. You’ve already invested the time and money to engage and convert your customers, and they’ve experienced your quality and customer service. By staying in touch, you can nurture them and drive additional sales.

Using Online Video to Nurture Prospects and Customers

While text-based communication has its place, online video is a powerful medium for nurturing prospects and customers alike.

For example:

  • Use follow-up emails and videos to announce new products.
  • Send customers coupon codes revealed within informative online videos.
  • Ask customers to post video testimonials or prompt prospects to view them.
  • Send occasional how-to videos related to the product. For example, if you sell kitchen gadgets, send a link to an online cooking video.
  • Hold live, interactive video sessions where customers and prospects can ask questions or learn more about your products and services.

With an audience of qualified leads and past customers who are genuinely interested in your offers, the hard work is already complete. Use your creativity to produce nurturing online videos and reap the rewards.

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