Video Viewers: Tips for Converting Your Video Viewers

You’ve done it – you’ve engaged your site’s visitors with video. They like your products, they trust what you’ve told them so far, and they’re engaged. Now it’s time to move them out of the engage phase and convert them into customers. You can do this by creating videos designed to prompt viewers into performing a specific action.

Before you can do so, you need to know exactly what specific action you want your viewers to perform. This may sound obvious, but it’s often overlooked. Without clear instructions telling viewers to “download a trial version,” “subscribe now,” or “order by midnight,” your viewers may continue on their way oblivious to your offer. No matter what topic your conversion video addresses, make sure that it ends with a strong, clear call to action.

Earlier, we talked about identifying your target audience. You did that with your engaging videos. Now that your audience relates to your company, products, and services, take that relationship a step further by introducing your offer. You’ve earned your audience’s trust and your viewers are ready to learn more. By posting online videos that educate viewers about your products and services, you are building toward the ultimate conclusion where you’ll ask the viewer to perform an action such as “order now.”

Just as you tailored your earlier videos to a specific audience, you’ll want to keep this same audience in mind as you create online videos designed to convert. In these videos, you’ll want your product or service to be the star. Show your product or service in action and the benefits it delivers. Remember, while features are neat, benefits are what sells a product. People don’t buy razors because they have five blades; they buy them for a closer shave and softer skin. They don’t buy picture frames because they measure eight by ten inches, they buy them to keep their memories alive.

The following video types lend themselves to converting online visitors into customers:

  • Product demonstration videos – If you’ve ever spent time in the gadget exhibit hall at your county fair, you’ll understand the power of product demonstrations. After all, the kitchen knife demonstrator showed that his knife could chop, slice, and dice unlike any other.
  • Product or service overview videos – Closely related to product demonstrations, overviews allow the viewer to see your product or service in action. Think of these online videos as commercials that highlight the benefits the viewer will enjoy by purchasing your product or service.
  • Video testimonials – Hearing how other people have successfully used and benefitted from your products or service is motivating. By posting online video testimonials on your website, you are providing viewers with proof. With people just like them raving about how wonderful your products and services are, your viewers will feel reassured. If you’ve already built credibility through your other videos and online content, video testimonials can give you an added boost and convert visitors into customers.

Online videos can convert viewers if you’ve built credibility, targeted your audience, and tailored your message to match with a strong call to action at the end. Make sure you know exactly what you want to accomplish and produce a video that converts.

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