Web Video Scriptwriting Tips

You’ve been tasked with writing the script for your company’s Web video – now what? As you stare at the blank page in front of you, you may feel intimidated especially if you’ve never written a script before. At this point, don’t worry about the finished product; take small steps instead. As with any project that requires extensive writing,scriptwriting requires brainstorming, outlining, writing, and refining.

Brainstorming Ideas for the Web Video Script

Whether you’re creating a marketing video, product tutorial, or training video, nothing happens until you have an idea or theme. Plan a brainstorming session and generate as many ideas as possible. Let your creative energy guide you and don’t be afraid to get a little silly. Use a white board or a large piece of paper and write down all ideas. Your ideas will likely evolve as you go. Ultimately, one idea will emerge as the clear choice.

Outlining the Web Video Script

Once you’ve found the perfect idea for your Web video, it’s time to start formulating it. Like any story, your online video will need a beginning, middle, and end. Use an outline to plot your plan. You don’t need to go into great detail here; simply organize the key points you want to address and estimate each section’s approximate running time.

Web Video Scriptwriting

Using your outline as a guide, it’s now time to start writing the script. Use a simple two column format with the left column designated for video and the right column for audio. For example:

Video Audio
Wide shot of company headquarters Opening music
The CEO inspects assembly line NARRATOR: At XYZ Corporation, everyone from the factory worker to the CEO is involved in customer service.

This script format is useful throughout the production. Not only does it serve as a guide during shooting, it helps the editor during editing. You can also use storyboards as a visual aid. As you write, keep the Web video’s total running time in mind. For example, if your final Web video is to be no longer than three minutes, you’ll need to pace the script as you write.

Refining the Script

Few writing projects are complete after the first draft. Go through the script and edit it. While you’ll want to correct any spelling and grammar errors, you’ll also want to go through the script with an eye on organization. Does the order of your key points make sense? Do you need any transitions? Does the script have any redundant areas? Is the script too long or too short? Does the script have a strong call to action? Does it address everything it promised to cover in its introduction?

It may take a few rounds of revisions before your Web video script is ready. By taking the time to brainstorm and outline the project before writing the script, you should have a workable first draft requiring only minor revisions.

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